Monday, January 25, 2010

Blog #1

Blog 1: "How did you become interested in science, medicine, or engineering? What particular problems in science are subject areas which interest you?"

I became interested in science and engineering when I was still in middle school. What sparked my interest was definitely a magazine that my dad would buy for me called Popular Science. This magazine would have different articles about new inventions and technology. It is a really interesting magazine that I still read to this day.
I was always stuck in between biology and engineering, but I finally decided to enter into the College of Engineering last summer because I realized that there are much more job options for an engineer than someone who majored in biology. For example, with an undergraduate degree in engineering, someone can go into law, business, or medicine. Therefore, I liked the idea of having many job choices in my future.
The problem in science that interests me the most are handicaps in seeing and hearing. Therefore, I would also love to become an engineer that helps create tools for aiding people with those disabilities.